Q&A with Maria Bustos: Why her 12-foot-tall Ficus elastica is comin on tour
Tell us about yourself. Hi! My name is Maria, I live in Glendale, CA. My Instagram handle is: @miss___modular. If you peep my page you will see that I love collecting vinyl, I love my cats Simone and Theo, and I have a super cool daughter Ione, and talented partner Justin.
I love watching my plants grow. Seeing a new leaf still thrills me. One of my favorite films is Harold and Maude and one of my favorite lines is when Maude tells Harold: “I like to watch things grow. They grow and bloom and fade and die and change into something else! Ah, life!” That line resonated with me when I first heard it and it does even more now.
Being a plant parent is taking an active role in the continual cycle of life. There is a responsibility that comes along with buying a plant that I really enjoy. Being in charge of its life and making sure you pay attention to its growing or lack thereof. It’s a beautiful responsibility.
What do you listen to while you’re taking care of your plants? Hmm, whatever is on the turntable or if I’m outside a playlist that I made. But if I want to be very specific, music/plant people love Mort Garson’s Mother Earth’s Plantasia. For me it is the glorious meeting of the two worlds I like to reside in. Also, check out Green-House! They're like the modern day Mort.
How did you become a plant person? Well, my family always gardened and had houseplants. Then I purchased three of my very own plants about 12 years ago. I bought a Ficus elastica 'Burgundy,' Ficus elastica 'Ruby' and a pencil cactus/firesticks. And I still have them all! I guess keeping them alive inspired me to keep getting more plants. I cherish those first three and I am grateful to still have them. It is a reminder why I am a still a plant parent 💚
You just booked a 30-city tour. What plant are you taking on the road and why? Well, since two of my first plants were both rubber plants, I have a deep love and respect for them. Their resiliency, their constant growth and ability to handle change is impressive. I would definitely bring any rubber plant with me.
What plant has scarred you, literally or figuratively? Ooof, I would have to say crested euphorbias. I can keep them alive for long periods but then inevitably, one day, it is a sog fest and dead. It hurts me every time. I may have to try again though heh heh 😝
What plants would make up your band and why? Ok, let’s see. This is a hard one. Singer: Palicourea elata or the hot lips plant because it already looks like it is oooohh’ing. Guitarist: Rhipsalis because it looks like it has long hair and rocks 🤘🏼 Bassist: Frizzle Sizzle because it is funkkayyyy. Drummer: Sansevieria cylindrica because they look like drumsticks 🥁
Best plant advice you’ve gotten in a while? Name your plants! It helps personify them and creates a commitment to take care of it.